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August 03, 2013



Have a great mini-vacation! Patt and I always loved those kind too--minimal prep and relaxing, like vacations are supposed to be. He didn't like to fly much, so we did mostly driving trips. Glad you are enjoying being home!! When do you have to go back to school?


Enjoy the little vacation! We took a little vacation this summer for the first time in years, but I am also taking a week off work to just stay home. I love it. And I'm resisting the urge to ask my teacher friends when they go back to work - too soon, I know!


Great to read a happy post.


Moderation in all things Miz S.


Happy to have you back home; the neighborhood missed you !!
Those mini's are the best sometimes, just enough and spontaneous enough to feel joy. Have fun running thru the rain!


Your happiness at being home shines through... Those little vacations are the best. Husband and I love to get in the car and just go for a ride somewhere. It has mostly been little day trips since we were on call for mom for so many years. Now that she is gone, it is hard getting used to the idea that we can actually be away for a night but we are at least thinking about it. I hope you have a wonderful relaxing weekend!


It is so lovely to see you happy and at home.

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